Aims & Objectives

MANLIBENT is formed to achieve high standards in Management, Business & Economic Librarianship & Information Services in India & it well have the following aims and objectives;

Development of strong linkages among M&B libraries & information center for resource sharing.
Promotion of study & research in the area of M&B librarianship & development of new information in the relevant areas.
Formulation of standards norms guidelines etc. for M&B libraries & information centres keeping in view the increased & varied applications of information technology in libraries.
Providing a common forum to the professionals interested or engaged in M&B librarianship & information services by holding conferences & meetings.
Publications of newsletters journals & books etc. which will help to achieve the objectives of the society.
To offer opportunities for library related continuing education especially by imparting computers & technology oriented training.
Promotion of close ties with other professional or private bodies engaged with collection, processing & dissemination of M&B information.
Developing relationship with other professional associated for achieving the goals & objectives of society.
To carry out all such things that are essential or conducive to the realization of above mentioned objectives.